What are you training for?

We moved to Duluth in 2014. Our house is about one mile from the starting line for Grandma’s Half Marathon. Every spring since we moved here I’ve trained for Grandma’s half marathon, as long as my body has been able. Some years I trained and was foiled right before the race by a sprained ankle or discovering (with great joy!) that I was pregnant.

This year, just as I did back in 2015, I’m training with Bryana. 

My husband and I joke that I’m a runner, but only between March and June. 

All spring I’ve been thinking about how healthy it is to have a goal in mind that I’m striving toward, especially in the spring! After the long winter, I too am like a tight little bud ready to bloom in the sunshine!! 

Bryana often talks about Type 2 fun, but what is it? 

Type 1 fun is when you are experiencing fun in the moment. Things like eating chocolate, watching a movie, swimming, taking a short walk, or cooking a lovely meal are examples of Type 1 fun.

Type 2 fun is slightly more difficult to come by. This is the type of fun earned through some sweat, grit, and tears. A challenging workout class, running a race, portaging a canoe, taking on the challenge of a yoga retreat, hiking a difficult route, biking at a destination and for longer than you are typically comfortable biking, are just a few examples. Type 2 fun happens when you face a long held fear or get outside (maybe way outside) your comfort zone.

Type 2 endeavors create lasting memories, instill pride and self-confidence, teach us about our own resilience and potential, and provide perspective and self-discovery. 

Photo: As Dierdre portaged a canoe up and down hilly terrain and through a campsite last year, I’m sure she wasn’t loving it in the moment. I think she was worried an ankle might break on the treacherous route and I’m guessing she wanted to put that canoe down, but she didn’t. And the triumph was exciting both for her and for all of us who witnessed her strength in a difficult situation! She still recalls this memory with laughter and disbelief. 

Training is typically a pursuit in Type 2 fun. 

Training is for everyone, not just the able-bodied! There are many ways to train! 

  • Training provides a sense of purpose and identity. 

  • Training provides a fun answer when people ask, “so, what’s new?” You’ll have something fun and interesting to share!~ 

  • Training provides incentive to hydrate, nourish the body, practice self-care through mindful movement and exercise.

  • Training provides something to look forward to! 

  • Training gets us out the door and into the fresh-air and sunshine!

  • Training takes the thought work out of “how should I exercise today?” It’s simple because when we are training for something, we don’t have to think so much about what or how to exercise. We just have to show up, stick to our plan, and train! 

  • Training helps our mind acclimate to the idea, “I practice movement every day and further, I ENJOY it.”

  • Training amplifies our life by giving us something to research, ponder, and feel excited about! 

If you could bottle up the endorphins from exercise, it would fly off the shelves! 

All this to say… what are you training for? 

Maybe you’ve never “trained” for something in your life! What an exciting opportunity to give training a try! Your training can be for something simple or something grandiose! Here are some ideas:

  • Schedule a weekend to drive up the shore to a hiking trail and take on a hike or walk that would be somewhat out of your typical comfort zone. Maybe that’s the 2 mile loop at Tettegouche to see the Shovel Point Overlook, or maybe it’s the more strenuous 8 mile loop at Bean and Bear. 

  • Set a 30 day goal to see the sunset every day for 30 days. 

  • Take a 15 minute walk every day at the same time for 30 days.

  • Sign up for a short race like a 5k! I think many people are scared to try running. The amazing thing about running is that our body very quickly progresses. On your first run a half mile will seem horrible. With persistence, by even just the third or fourth run, that half mile is going to seem way easier! There is no need for speed or intensity. A light jog will do! Walk breaks are encouraged!! 

  • Sign up for a yoga retreat! Having a yoga retreat on the schedule provides incentive to make it to a yoga class at least once in a while! It’s a good idea to build up strength and flexibility prior to attending a retreat. 

  • Find a bike route that is a dream for you! There’s so many great bike trails to try in Minnesota! 

  • Attempt a 5 minute seated meditation every day for 30 days. 

  • Sign up for a summer workout series that takes place outdoors. There are an abundance of outdoor offerings in Minnesota summers! 

  • Sign up for a league- pickleball, softball, volleyball, you name it! 

Journal Prompts to get the juices flowing… 

  • What did you love doing in your youth? Dance? Basketball? Rollerblading? Swimming in the lake? Free-write a list of things that you loved most for about 3-5 minutes. 

  • Is there a national park, state park, or destination you’ve always wanted to explore but never taken the time? (Superior National Hiking Trail, BWCA, a Minnesota biking trail, a challenging hike). Free-write 3-5 minutes, don’t let time or money limit your dreams! It’s great to dream big on paper! 

  • Who are the people you will share your goal with to keep you accountable? 

  • Is there anyone you’d like to invite to tackle your challenge, or will you be doing this solo?

  • Using the information above, is there a goal that comes to mind that will be challenging, realistic, within your budget, within your capacity and time constraints, and also fun and rewarding? 

  • What are a few challenges and obstacles you may encounter? Jot down some ideas on how you might work around those challenges. 

  • Set a goal that can be achieved before the next snow flies!!! 

Whatever you select, create some hype! Maybe convince a few friends to join you in your pursuit, or at a minimum let a few people know what you are going to attempt to create accountability. Simply sharing your goal out loud will make it more likely that you will stay the course. Write yourself positive affirmations on sticky notes and stick them on your mirrors. Heck, email us or tag us on instagram and we’ll be your accountability cheerleaders! 


The fun thing about taking on a new challenge is the opportunity to be really bad at something! Who cares! Laugh at yourself! Let go of your own expectations, demands for perfection, or what others might think of you. You might be the worst swimmer in the pool or the slowest jogger on the path, but you are on the path. Allow yourself to be a beginner, a dabbler, tinker in the unknown. Enjoy the process as your capabilities grow.  

The discomfort of the first time you are at a rock climbing wall, a bike shop, or a workout class will be worth it. Wade through those first awkward experiences with resilience, keep showing up, and it will get easier. 

Get outside, breathe, feel the sunshine, and move your body in ways that feel nourishing! 

Training is a celebration of all that we are capable of achieving. 

Amanda and Bryana after the 2015 Grandma’s half.

Amanda and Drew after the half in 2021.

Cindy portaging for the second time!

One of our adventure guides, Shannon. She’s our local paddle and portage extraordinaire.

Amanda Thoe