Boreal Bliss Yoga Retreats

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ASL Interpreters + Boreal Bliss Yoga Retreats

At Boreal Bliss, we strive for accessibility. We want folks to genuinely feel like they belong (on many levels) and can access the multitudes of yoga benefits. 

In March we have a new opportunity in our yoga retreat world; combining the enjoyment of yoga, meditation, nature, and community with the means to create access for deaf and hard of hearing retreat participants.  We have two American Sign Language (ASL) interpreters set to join us in Hackensack, MN for our Soothe & Restore Yoga Retreat at Deep Portage Learning Center.  We have a group of deaf/hard of hearing retreaters that will be able to attend for the first time because of this collaboration.  

Thank you to our long-time retreaters Danielle Novack and Janine Schug for pursuing this partnership and helping us to make it happen!  

Alongside our yoga and meditation classes, workshops, meal announcements, and more, our retreaters will see these two incredible women and ASL interpreters:  Janine Schug and Karen Sheldon. 

Please allow us to introduce you to these fine humans!

Janine Schug

Yoga Retreat American Sign Language Interpreter

Janine has been working as a sign language interpreter since 2015 in the metro area. She is currently working on specializing in mental health interpreting. 

Janine has attended Boreal Bliss retreats since 2018, where she first truly experienced the power of saying no and not doing every activity offered by the BB gals. It has since helped her in both her personal and professional life, helping to create more of a balance and boundaries. 

When not working, Janine reads a lot of books, enjoys playing with her fur kids and discovering new places to eat and explore with her wife, Jenna.

Karen Sheldon

Yoga Retreat American Sign Language Interpreter

Hello, I’m Karen Sheldon LPCC, RID, RYT200  Professionally a Mental Health Therapist serving Deaf and Hard of Hearing youth, Trauma Informed Yoga Teacher, and American Sign Language Interpreter. Personally, I am a mother, daughter, sister, friend. I am a writer. I am a reader. I am an indoor gardener, a chicken keeper, a singer, a dancer, an advocate, an ally. 

We look forward to this retreat in March, made accessible in many more ways than one.  Thank you to Janine, Karen, our retreaters, and community members for making opportunities like this a reality.