Boreal Bliss Yoga Retreats

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Yoga at Portage Summer Series

Yoga at Portage

A yoga practice that focuses on social connections and community building after class

Join Bryana Cook of Northern Yoga and Wellness and Boreal Bliss Yoga Retreats for a 4-class summer yoga series from May to August at Portage Brewing Co.!

When: May 23, June 27, July 18, August 8 from 6-8pm

What: 1-hour yoga class, followed by optional social hour (includes free beverage after class: n/a options available)

Who: 20 yoga participants are able to reserve their spots

Where: Portage Brewing Co., Walker, MN

*Covid Health & Safety Precautions will be followed according to MN State Guidelines and CDC: masking, social distancing. Participants to provide their own yoga mats. More detailed information will be emailed to registered participants.

Special Notes about Yoga at Portage

Portage Brewing Company is so much more than delicious beer! It’s a community gathering space in the heart of Downtown Walker, MN. It’s owned and operated by folks that value the area’s people, businesses, natural environmental resources, outdoor adventure, and creating an overall quality experience.

When you walk into Portage, you can tell that there is care, quality, and a feeling of ease and enjoyment.

You may or may not know that the original Portage Brewing Co. burned down in 2019. They were a new, budding business at the time. The community knew Portage’s contribution and potential and gathered to fundraise, support, help, and reimagine what another Portage Brewing Co. could be. Read more about Portage Brewing Co. here:

(photos provided are pre-covid)

Purchase Yoga at Portage

Choose between reserving your spot for all four special summer series yoga sessions, or attending one class. Purchase your selection here: