Boreal Bliss Yoga Retreats

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Welcoming the New Season!

We have been increasingly interested in leaning into seasonality. Without an acknowledgment of the different energy each season brings, we can be left feeling stuck and unproductive.

One practice we’re finding helpful is using the wheel of the year to help us acknowledge the shifts between seasons. The wheel of the year is marked by four large shifts: winter solstice, vernal equinox, summer solstice, and the fall equinox. The vernal equinox was Saturday, March 20th. We’re now halfway between the longest and shortest days of the year. While we love to embrace candles, indoor fires, twinkly lights, fuzzy socks, and cozy winter nights indoors, we’re ready to transition to a new season! 

In Minnesota, we’re home to some of the largest temperature swings in the country. Our summers exceed 100 F and our winters drop well below -20 F. This requires us to have closets full of clothes! We need multiple coats just to navigate the seasons, not to mention hats, gloves, swimsuits, outdoor gear, etc, etc.. This is what we love about Minnesota! But this can also mean the seasonal shifts can leave us feeling cloudy and ungrounded. In Minnesota seasonal swings are big and marked by lots of changes!

Below are a few ideas to acknowledge and welcome the transition from the cozy, comfy, long winter nights to brighter, longer, windier days.

Ideas for letting go of the last season and welcoming the new:

  • Wash your windows

  • buy yourself some tulips!

  • Get outside before 9am daily - a mindful walk works wonders for seasonal appreciation. 

  • Add in an afternoon walk to your routine.

  • Take yourself or your family on a picnic.

  • Clear out a physical space like a junk drawer, your refrigerator, a closet, or some old totes full of junk in your basement/garage/attic.

  • Clear out emotional space by writing down on a piece of paper something you are ready to let go of (a grudge, a resentment, something you need to forgive, a habit, a toxic relationship) and throw it into a fire.

  • Clear out physical space by packing up winter gear like big blankets and coats and move them out of the way for the next six months (hooray!) If you aren’t in the habit of doing this, go out and treat yourself to some clear totes and pack some gear up! (But be sure to leave out a hat or two because this is still Minnesota after all.)

  • Dig in the dirt!  Plant a few seeds in pots.  Revamp your vegetable garden.  Or beautify your outdoor space with a few flowers!  Getting dirty and embracing the spring season helps to ground during transition.  (But avoid the temptation to clear your gardens before we have a week in the 50s, pollinators may be sleeping in the cover of your garden!)

  • Hammock.  I cannot recommend a head-clearing hammock session enough.  Just lay back and look at the tree tops. Ahhhhh. 

Are you feeling a little lost these days?  You are not alone!  Seasonal shifts can be ungrounding.  Taking the time to acknowledge and “spring up” your daily self-care habits can be just the boost and attention you need. 

Amanda taught a free class for the vernal equinox on instagram live. You can find the class on our instagram, or right here!